PR PREP for Dragon’s Den
8 years, 10 months ago Posted in: Blog 0
RTE Dragon’s Den has a huge audience. A small business in Ireland can benefit greatly from the PR exposure. In order to maximise the window of opportunity with the media, some PR preparation needs to be done. I’ve compiled some advice here, which I’ve used while working with Sandra Walsh of Canopi Sleeves who received investment of €100,000 euros from Dragon Investor Gavin Duffy.


A.      Contact details for business – email; telephone;

B.      Biog on Business Owner

C.      Biog on Investor Dragon(s)

D.      Press Release / statement regarding Dragons Den experience and future plans

Photographs (good quality, jpeg file no larger than 1MB , with caption in file data)

A.      Product shots (include information of product name and RRP in caption)

B.      Photo of yourself – good quality – business like

C.      Photo of yourself with your Dragon Investors

D.      Photo showing you active in the business – making cheese etc.


Your 3 key messages – Maximise the PR opportunity –  Practice these.

1.       Describe what problem your product solves, what its made of; how it works.

2.       Explain how your product benefits its customer – why is it different

3.       How can the customer buy your product – online shop, name shops – www.


Learn off your lines so that your website address trips off your tongue – if the spelling is unusual, spell it out. – C-O-C-A

Typical questions you will be asked about your Dragon’s Den experience:

1.       How did you come up with this business idea ?

2.       Were you nervous going in front of the Dragon’s ?

3.       How was the Dragon’s Den experience for you ?

4.       Would you advise other people to do it ?

5.       Which Dragon did you want ?

6.       Why did you want this Dragon as your investor ?

7.       What are the plans for the future ?

Máirín O’Reilly of MOREBIZ Ltd. is a PR and branding professional working with SME’s since 2001

Amongst her clients are successful Dragon’s Den candidates.  

Contact her for a consultation on 087 2407903.                         

Twitter: @MORPRGalway                                


Copyright Máirín O’Reilly 2016

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